Escanaba Ore Dock

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Mr Link
Posts: 1231
Joined: December 6, 2014, 3:43 pm

Re: Escanaba Ore Dock

Unread post by Mr Link »

Per Patrick Dorin's book "Great Lakes Ore Docks and Ore Cars" timber gravity dock #6 was built in 1903 with 80,000 ton storage capacity, 70 feet high, 1920 feet long and 320 pockets. Rebuilt in 1924 and used until 1969. The new (current) low level ship loader dock used the foundation of the #6 dock and was in operation by 1970.
Mr Link
Posts: 1231
Joined: December 6, 2014, 3:43 pm

Re: Escanaba Ore Dock

Unread post by Mr Link »

Not sure if it used the same piling or new ones, but yes, it was built on the footprint of C&NW ore dock No. 6. Here is a portion of a 1910 nautical chart showing the location of the existing 8 chute style docks (6 C&NW, 2 MILW) at that time in Escanaba and North Escanaba.
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Escanaba Ore Dock

Unread post by Shipwatcher1 »

Was the current escanaba ore dock built on the footprint of a prior chute style dock?
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