Saginaw Layup

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Re: Saginaw Layup

Unread post by Denny »

The Saginaw just arrived for Winter Lay Up in Sarnia on January 15 along with their fleetmate Robert S. Pierson. Both vessels look to be laid up in Sarina’s North Slip at the North End of it for now. As for any Winter work on the Saginaw this year? I don’t know of anything they may be doing with her at this time? The Pierson from the recent photos posted here on boatnerd News Page, looks as if she needs lots of work done on her especially some fresh touch up paint! A few years ago, Saginaw was repowered while in Sarnia one Winter from Steam to Diesels but I can’t remember when that was? Hope this information helps you out though. Be and Stay Safe & Warm! Also if Lower Lakes decides someday to scrap the Cuyahoga and the Michipicoten, then the Saginaw would be the oldest Canadian operated ship having been built in 1953 then.

Saginaw Layup

Unread post by Guest »

Does anyone have info on winter work for the Saginaw? In light of the Michipicoten condition and the fact that she hauled lots of salt as the Boland, is the structural integrity still sound? She is an old boat, but a good looker.
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