Sarnia’s Winter Lay Up & Algoma Ships

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Re: Sarnia’s Winter Lay Up & Algoma Ships

Unread post by Denny »

As of 6:45 pm on January 30, the Algoma Intrepid is back in Sarnia at the Government Dock most likely then for Winter Lay Up? They left from the Government Dock in Sarnia early this morning and went out into Lake Huron before arriving back in Sarnia mid-afternoon. Don’t know why they left from Sarnia this morning perhaps possibly to clean out before arriving for layup? The Algoma Sault will not be in Sarnia this winter as they arrived most likeky for Winter Lay Up in Port Colborne today, January 30.

Re: Sarnia’s Winter Lay Up & Algoma Ships

Unread post by Denny »

As of 2:30 pm on January 30, the Algoma Intrepid left from the Government Dock and went out into Lake Huron. From the AIS maps on both Boatnerd and Marine Traffic, each map now shows them appearing to be headed down off of Lake Huron or possibly at anchor then. Anyone know what’s going on with them? Also, the Algoma Sault arrived in Port Colborne this morning on January 30 presumably for Winter Lay Up then.

Re: Sarnia’s Winter Lay Up & Algoma Ships

Unread post by Denny »

Thanks Algowest as always my friend as I sort of figured that possibly all 3 might be in Sarnia this Winter. Now that the Algoma Sault left from Erie last night and had joined up with the Algoma Bear, it will be interesting to see then just how long Algoma plans to keep the Sault out running this Winter? Maybe the Bear might head into layup for a while then and the Sault might take over the Bear’s runs for a while? We’ll have to wait and see. Thanks again my friend as always.
Posts: 237
Joined: July 19, 2010, 9:21 pm

Re: Sarnia’s Winter Lay Up & Algoma Ships

Unread post by algowest »

At this point, given how many ships are already in Goderich, I would assume Bear, Innovator & Intrepid will layup in Sarnia.

Re: Sarnia’s Winter Lay Up & Algoma Ships

Unread post by Denny »

An update now to my earlier post from this morning. As of 5:30 p.m. on January 28th I am seeing the Algoma Intrepid now at the Government Dock in Sarnia. Marine Traffic shows them as arriving in Sarnia on January 28 from Milwaukee after they had unloaded Salt from Goderich. I would assume then that the Intepid may possibly be laid up now in Sarnia for the Winter? This now leaves just the Algoma Bear and the Algoma Innovator as the only boats to haul and carry salt from Goderich right now. Has anyone heard anything so far as to where the Bear and Innovator will be laying up at this Winter?

Re: Sarnia’s Winter Lay Up & Algoma Ships

Unread post by Denny »

With the Manitoulin’s arrival yesterday evening in Sarnia for Winter Lay Up, this brings a total now of 3 vessels that are laid up in Sarnia this Winter. The Saginaw, Manitoulin and Robert S. Pierson. Has anyone yet heard so far anyway where the Algoma Bear, Algoma Innovator along with the Algoma Intrepid will be this Winter? Usually Algoma will have the Intrepid and Innovator layup in Sarnia so, I would expect to see both of those ships laying up then in Sarnia. Algowest, have you heard anything so far as to where any of those Algoma Ships will be this Winter?

Sarnia’s Winter Lay Up & Algoma Ships

Unread post by Denny »

This winter so far there is only the Saginaw and Robert S. Pierson laid up in Sarnia in the North Slip for Winter layup then. I do know the Manitoulin I think will also be joining those two ultimately and eventually. Algoma though has currently 3 ships out running the Winter Salt loads & runs from Goderich. The Algoma Bear, Algoma Innovator and the Algoma Intrepid. Has anyone yet heard where any of those 3 Algoma ships will layup at for this Winter Lay Up? I’m sure one or two at least will be in Sarnia as it seems the Innovator and Intrepid usually are then. I would love to see the Algoma Bear lay up in Sarnia for the Winter as that would be cool and neat to see plus, brand new ship and first time ever laying up in Sarnia maybe as well then at least. Thanks for any info.
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