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Re: lighthouse literature from 1999 (lakes and ocean) - free

Posted: November 29, 2019, 9:08 pm
by cjedin
Literature is spoken for.

Re: lighthouse literature from 1999 (lakes and ocean) - free

Posted: November 18, 2019, 7:41 pm
by Guest
Hi Colt,
I enjoyed seeing your post. Please send me a e-mail at

lighthouse literature from 1999 (lakes and ocean) - free

Posted: November 16, 2019, 11:25 am
by cjedin
In 1999, as a high school student, I wrote to lighthouses all over the country as part of a project. Now, 20 years later, a lot of the literature I received is taking up room in my home! Some of the literature is fairly interesting - quite a bit has changed in 20 years! Much of it is old brochures but there are some longer bits of literature there, as well. If anybody would like the pile of literature in the picture, let me know. Only charge would be the cost of shipping.

It's still fun to go to boatnerd 20+ years later and still see a few familiar names here and there.


Colt Edin