J.W. Westcott Saves A Life Again

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J.W. Westcott Saves A Life Again

Unread post by Denny »

If anyone hasn’t heard or seen the story so far yet, you may want to check it out! The Detroit River mailboat the J.W. Westcott II recently saved the life from a man in the Detroit River. I don’t know the full details and I’m sure the story will be posted and appear on the News Page if it hasn’t already been posted. The captain of the mailboat at the time was our very own Neil Schultheiss sorry if I got your last name mis-spelled Neil. Anyway, our friend and founder of boatnerd was at the helm of the Westcott when he rescued the man in the Detroit River. Great job to Neil and the crew of the Westcott for being there and saving the man’s life! Two thumbs up to Neil and the crew of the Westcott for a job well done and they should get a hero’s award IMO anyway for their heroism and bravery!