Arthur Anderson /Paint Color for Model

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Guest Who

Re: Arthur Anderson /Paint Color for Model

Unread post by Guest Who »

Not sure if you're looking for a fresh-coat or weathered look, but I have suggestions to check out. I built models of the Hanna boats Paul Carnahan and Joe Thompson, both close in color to USS hulls. I ended up using Dupli-Color automotive flat red primer, with an overcoat of clear lacquer on one, and gloss clear enamel on the other. These were all spray paints. The only model-specific paints close to anything you're looking for are Gunze-Sangyo Red-Brown and Russett. These are bottled paints, and are a darker shade. I don't know of anything from Testor's or Tamiya plastic model paints that's even close. Auto parts stores should have the Dupli-Color, and a hobby shop should be able to locate the others, assuming they're still in production, or they may have a color chart showing what's available. Good luck with your project!

Re: Arthur Anderson /Paint Color for Model

Unread post by Denny »

I would say hull color would look to be some sort of a red? Although somebody else may know more on her hull color than I do. IF you are painting her as she looks today, she also has a stripe on her bow that was painted on back in about 1990 or so. The black I think means for coal and the gray stripe for stone cargo. Again, someone may know and have more details on this than I do. Her smokestack has the black and silver stack which has always been with her. Good luck in painting the model of her as indeed she is a true beauty and a classic. I have not seen or photographed her since 2022! Please post some of your photos here for all of us to view and enjoy of your Anderson model as we would all very much enjoy seeing it as you paint it and once you finish it. Again, good luck and be patient and give yourself lots of time to build and paint the model of the Anderson then. Hope my information helps you out. Be and Stay Warm & Safe as well. All the best to you also.

Arthur Anderson /Paint Color for Model

Unread post by Guest »

Wife is going to paint a model of Arthur Anderson that is currently the wrong color. What color model paint should she use and where to find it. TIA
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