CSL Fleet Questions

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Re: CSL Fleet Questions

Unread post by Guest »

My guess as to why no CSL ships are wintering in Sarnia has to do with cost. It costs a significant amount of money to layup in Sarnia ever since Sarnia acquired the Government Docks from the federal government. My guess is CSL is tired of paying high rates when they can dock in Goderich or Owen Sound for nothing.

CSL Fleet Questions

Unread post by Denny »

In viewing and looking at the Lay Up List then for the Winter Season 2024-25, I noticed two noticeable things both involving the CSL Fleet. I wonder then IF anyone else has noticed or paid any attention to this like I have seen and noticed to which I’ll betcha they have NOT then at that point! First, there are absolutely NO ships from CSL that are laid up in Sarnia this Winter! Very unusual I’d say the very least IMO anyway as I’ve been following the ship traffic on the St. Clair River since the early 1990s and as long as I can recall, it seems that there’s always been a CSL ship laid up in Sarnia every winter usually at the Grain Elevator Dock. Not so this winter! Second and lastly I don’t ever recall a winter layup season to which most of the CSL ships are laid up and YES I do know the Nukumi is still running along with the CSL Tadoussac or maybe the Tad went into layup? My point is, usually CSL has one of their ships out like Algoma does running the salt loads and runs throughout the Winter months. Again, Not so this year as there are NO ships from CSL out doing any salt runs at least here in the Great Lakes area inland. I find this a bit odd and strange as it seems that CSL always has at least one of their ships loading salt at Windsor and then delivering it usually over to Lake Michigan. Did Algoma get any of the CSL loads then from Windsor this winter as the Algoma ships load from Goderich while CSL hauls out of Windsor then. Sorry for such a long post but I just find this to be interesting but somewhat unusual as well then.
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