Marine Radio Station

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amateur operator

Re: Marine Radio Station

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The station KLN is very strong here at 1615 est (2115Z) on 13.149 MHZ. The station has a signal greater than s-9 and is very clear. Lake Michigan weather is given with Gale warnings in some areas. Station signed off at 1626 (2126Z) with voice id and morse id.
amateur operator

Marine Radio Station

Unread post by amateur operator »

I have been copying a Marine Coast Station broadcasting weather for Lake Michigan, on the hf frequencies. It is an automated weather broadcast that occurs 15 minutes after the hour and 45 minutes after the hour. There is a morse and voice identification at the hour and half hour.
The station is KLN and frequency is 13.149 MHz. They sign off with a voice and morse code id. I have heard them in the afternoon and evening in the EST zone.
As far as I know, lake ships do not carry hf equipment any more. The last station was WLC Roger's City and it signed off many years ago.
I found this station is part of Global HFNet LLC. There are listings for transmitter sites in Riverhead Long Island NY and South Bend, IA.
When I looked up the site in IA, it showed what looks like a transmitter building and three very large radio towers. They have yagi and antennas on them and some look like Log periodic antennas.
They list other frequencies for the station but I have heard nothing from KLN on these frequencies as of yet.

I was wondering if anyone had information on this station.
Ron Walsh VE3GO
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